Independant Short
Written & Directed by M.J. Gunaratne
"A man returns home to find his house dark and his partner missing, but as he stumbles about in search of a torch he begins to suspect he's not alone."
SICK is a horror short inspired by my love of continuous long takes and the excitement and dread they can easily build within a suspenseful narrative.
AFTRS Web Series
Directed by M.J. Gunaratne
LIFE GOALS is a coming-of-age sitcom that follows the hilarious adventures and mishaps of Mel, a not-so-hip vlogger in her 20s, who's searching for fame, fortune, and friendship in all the wrong places. S03E04 takes Mel on a wild journey of reassessment as in her attempts to win back her roommate Cleo's affection, she bakes her cookies with the one ingredient she's allergic to.
Independant Short
Shot & Directed by M.J. Gunaratne
Dealing with the struggles that arise after loss, SET FREE details a young boys journey of getting over the death of his childhood dog by handpicking meditative moments set to the five stages of grief.
Documentary Short
Shot & Directed by M.J. Gunaratne
Due to their struggles with racism, immigrants and people of colour are often grouped into the political left. BAD IMMIGRANT: EVADING STIGMAS is a raw exploration of the lesser-discussed conservative opinions people of colour can have on sex, gender, and immigration policy.